How to form filling and uploading??
ITUNES Account Detail
1. User Name & PassWord
Itunes Login & developer Portel Login
Games :- Action Hero
Developer Portel -
Identifiers-App ID’s- Plus(+) click
App ID Description - Name: Action Hero
App ID Suffix - Bundle ID: com.<companyname>.<ActionHero>
click on Continue and done
Ex Bundle ID -
-------Form Filling----
continue on iTunes
(1) My Apps-Plus(+) Click-New IOS App- Game detail submit
Name- Game Name
Version - 1.0
Primary Language - Engilsh
SKU - Bundle ID (com.<companyname>.<ActionHero>)
Bundle ID- select
Game create on iTunes
(2) Enter Detail -
Pricing- Availability Date- 2 month after
Price tier - given by client (all most 3 Tier)
Discount for educational institutions (given by client)
(3) Version Information-
upload ScreenShots for each device
(4) General App Info-
1. App Icon upload
2. CopyRight
3. Category
4. Rating (4+)
(5) App Review Info-
1. Contact info(First Name, Last Name, Phone No, Email ID)
(6) Version Release
1. Automatically
2. Manually
(7) And Save
Game -
Xcode open-
1. Identity
Bundle Identifier - Bundle ID (com.<companyname>.<ActionHero>)
Version - 1.0
Bulid - 1.0
2. Deployment Info
Deployment target - 6.0
3. Linked Frameworks
AdSupport.framework - Optional
Bundle Name- Game Name
Bundle Display name- Game Name
AppLovinSdkKey- ID(Given by Client)
(3)Build Setting-
Other linker Search-
-lz, -ObjC, -all_load
Search Paths Search-
Framework search path ($(inherited)- Non-Recursive, $(SRCROOT)- Recursive)
Code Signing -
Provisioning Profile and Certificate Select
(Generate on Development Portal)
(A) SNManager.h Class-
Setup ChartBoost and PlayHaven ID’s.
and Apple Id (Copy on iTunes)
(B) RemoveAds ID-
Change RemoveAds ID(Copy on iTunes)
(C) Leader Board ID-
Change Leaderboard ID(Copy on iTunes)
(D) Free Button And Click Button-
Given by Client(all most free button- ChartBoost More games Ads, click button- ChartBoost Fullscreen Games Ads).
(5) all Setup then testing on device.
ITUNES Account Detail
1. User Name & PassWord
Itunes Login & developer Portel Login
Games :- Action Hero
Developer Portel -
Identifiers-App ID’s- Plus(+) click
App ID Description - Name: Action Hero
App ID Suffix - Bundle ID: com.<companyname>.<ActionHero>
click on Continue and done
Ex Bundle ID -
-------Form Filling----
continue on iTunes
(1) My Apps-Plus(+) Click-New IOS App- Game detail submit
Name- Game Name
Version - 1.0
Primary Language - Engilsh
SKU - Bundle ID (com.<companyname>.<ActionHero>)
Bundle ID- select
Game create on iTunes
(2) Enter Detail -
Pricing- Availability Date- 2 month after
Price tier - given by client (all most 3 Tier)
Discount for educational institutions (given by client)
(3) Version Information-
upload ScreenShots for each device
(4) General App Info-
1. App Icon upload
2. CopyRight
3. Category
4. Rating (4+)
(5) App Review Info-
1. Contact info(First Name, Last Name, Phone No, Email ID)
(6) Version Release
1. Automatically
2. Manually
(7) And Save
Game -
Xcode open-
1. Identity
Bundle Identifier - Bundle ID (com.<companyname>.<ActionHero>)
Version - 1.0
Bulid - 1.0
2. Deployment Info
Deployment target - 6.0
3. Linked Frameworks
AdSupport.framework - Optional
Bundle Name- Game Name
Bundle Display name- Game Name
AppLovinSdkKey- ID(Given by Client)
(3)Build Setting-
Other linker Search-
-lz, -ObjC, -all_load
Search Paths Search-
Framework search path ($(inherited)- Non-Recursive, $(SRCROOT)- Recursive)
Code Signing -
Provisioning Profile and Certificate Select
(Generate on Development Portal)
(A) SNManager.h Class-
Setup ChartBoost and PlayHaven ID’s.
and Apple Id (Copy on iTunes)
(B) RemoveAds ID-
Change RemoveAds ID(Copy on iTunes)
(C) Leader Board ID-
Change Leaderboard ID(Copy on iTunes)
(D) Free Button And Click Button-
Given by Client(all most free button- ChartBoost More games Ads, click button- ChartBoost Fullscreen Games Ads).
(5) all Setup then testing on device.